So we have another three weeks of lockdown at least. It is interesting how it is affecting people differently.

For some their working life has not changed much at all, for others they are still working but from home and for some, such as me, they hardly working at all. I am enjoying more free time, the garden is looking very cared for, I have been exploring lots of local walks and I am doing lots of online courses. I think though for me it is the contact with people I am missing most, never before has a brief chat with someone out on a walk seemed like such a treat.

Talking to patients remotely I have discovered that for some the change has been very beneficial, less driving, less stress and more free time at home has meant lots of ongoing aches and pains have reduced. For others sitting at the dining room table working, juggling childcare or doing too much in the garden is taking its toll.

I thought I would share with you some advice on posture. As you see posture is not just about how you sit but is every position you move through every day.

Please click on the link below to see the 12 Benefits of good posture leaflet.

If this is not useful to you but you know someone who might be interested, please forward this email on to them.